Kristin is a senior recruiter and co-owner of ACCENT Health Recruitment. Kristin is a highly experienced recruiter who has worked in the healthcare industry for a number of years. She has a broad knowledge base of the healthcare industry and a sound understanding of the registration processes for all healthcare professions.
Kristin is a valuable resource who enjoys working with candidates from all specialties. Kristin is on hand to offer the support needed to help clients make their dreams of working and living in New Zealand a reality.
Kristin has travelled the world extensively including numerous visits to the UK. When not in the office, you will likely find Kristin on her bike in the hills around Christchurch or out in her kayak.
If you've got questions, I'd love to give you some answers. Feel free to contact me:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +64 (0)21 241 3339
Telephone: +64 3 366 4503
Video Meetings Available
UK to NZ free ph: 0808 23 444 68
Accent Health Recruitment were so helpful every step of the way, including interview preparation, applying for registration, visa application and looking for accommodation.
Debbie - Anaesthetic Technician