After a successful recruitment by Prudence in 2010, placing me in Hawkes Bay, Prudence has done it again!
I had a fabulous time here in my 20's living and working in Hawkes Bay, making some great friends and enjoying the work/play lifestyle.
After I returned to the USA, spent 10 years developing my career and having a couple kids, we decided there was no better time to get back to NZ and raise our kids in a safe, friendly, slowed down paradise. I had fond memories of the kind kiwis who never were in too much of a hurry, and would always spare the time to help you out. Even living in the Auckland area now, which is a fair bit busier than HB, people are still genuinely interested in lending a hand, and getting you connected. It feels like 2 degrees of separation between people now, so new acquaintances always "know someone" that could meet a need you may have.
When we decided to come back, I contacted Prudence again right away, and she skyped me back that very day to connect again. She is deeply connected with employers across NZ and will steer you in the right direction to find the best fit for you. She found me a very niche job that I would have never found searching on my own, and helped guide me through the process seamlessly. She is one of the most prompt and responsive persons I have worked with, which is a huge plus when dealing with so much stress of a move.
*Learning a new health system and processes are always a fun challenge, but you will find that you adopt fairly quickly. Coming from the US where you can get anything in the snap of a finger has been a bit of an adjustment as things take a bit more time here... but that's what we came for, a slower life- and that adjusting to a slower pace has been relevant in the workplace and trying to find a shop open after work.
We arrived in the middle of COVID so did our MIQ for 14 days, and Prudence sent us the most thoughtful care packages for the kiddos to get through it. I wouldn't be here without the help of ACCENT! Thank you Prudence and your awesome team for all your amazing work!