My name is Mathijs Roije and I am a GP from the Netherlands. I am to New Zealand in September.
The whole process took me 7 months. The easiest part of the process was getting a job offer. The most challenging part of the process was filling in the same information on forms over and over again.
My first impressions of NZ were: very positive, first country I ever visited with a friendly immigrations officer, this is the standard for kiwis, all very friendly and helpful.
What I miss the most is family.
My advice if you are planning to come to NZ is don't hesitate, just do it,
Please note - don't underestimate your jetleg combined with a jetlagged family.
At work, it has been a challenge with the paper work - I was not used to the off work certificates and WINZ, still adjusting to it. The good thing is the people with their problems/issues are universal In General Practice, I like it that the work-up before you refer is done by the GP's this is less in NL.